Diet against gastritis

diet rules in case of gastritis

Diet for gastritis is not only a diet food without harmful products, but also a means to quickly prevent stomach upset. Due to this diet, the work of the digestive system is quickly normalized.

Eating gastritis can also help you lose weight.

The essence and principles of diet

There are several types of gastritis. Depending on this, the level and severity of the diet is determined. Acute gastritis involves the strictest diet, from which unhealthy foods and alcoholic beverages are completely excluded. The essence of the diet is to eat the right foods, saturating the body with the necessary useful components.

Like other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet includes the following principles:

  1. Fractional and frequent meals.
  2. Optimal drinking regimen from 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Strict ban on carbonated drinks.
  4. Full breakfast.
  5. Dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The diet against gastritis always involves serious dietary restrictions, so the first days of observance always cause difficulties and discomfort. After a certain time, the body adapts to this diet, depriving it only of benefits.

Diet Pros and Cons

When observing a diet in the case of gastritis, you should understand that this diet has positive and negative aspects. In the first days, only dietary deficiencies will be observed, as the body categorically refuses to adapt to such serious restrictions.

But in fact, the gastritis diet has many positive aspects, and they are as follows:

how to eat with gastritis
  1. Lightness in the stomach.
  2. Improving the digestive process.
  3. Ability to cook a variety of dishes.
  4. Fast and noticeable results.
  5. There is no need to buy expensive medicines for treatment.
  6. Prepare meals from available products.
  7. Saturation of the body with useful ingredients.

There are a few disadvantages to this diet:

  1. Fatigue and apathy in the early days of the diet.
  2. Temporary hunger on a psychological level.
  3. It's hard to give up familiar products.

If we consider this disease to be a more serious and fatal provocateur and organ dysfunction, then there will be no downside to dieting in the case of gastritis. A person with gastritis will notice only the positive aspects.

This feeding will help maintain the remission stage of gastritis, preventing it from becoming an acute form, where the food will be heavier and sharper, not everyone can handle it. In severe cases, the medication is rescued, which can have a rapid positive effect. The weekly gastritis menu can be changed depending on the preferences of the day.

What can you eat during your diet?

Let's see what you can eat with gastritis:

  • Steamed omelettes;
  • Eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Dried bread;
  • Milk soups;
  • Fruit;
  • Weak tea, cocoa;
  • Baked apples;
  • Kissel.

This list allows you to prepare delicious dishes that can completely saturate the body, enrich it with useful vitamins and minerals.

What should I not eat during my diet?

In addition to the list of permitted foods, there are also prohibited foods that should not be eaten in the treatment of gastritis.

diet against gastritis

Let's look at what can't be eaten with gastritis:

  • Salted and smoked;
  • Fish soups;
  • Chocolate;
  • Clean fried eggs;
  • Marinades;
  • Kvass;
  • Fatty meat products;
  • Puff pastry;
  • Fresh white bread;
  • Sauces;
  • Carbonated drinks.

If these products were previously the basis of the diet, they should be eliminated in the treatment of gastritis. They provoke a deterioration and do not benefit the body.

Dietary varieties for gastritis

Gastritis is a multifaceted disease with its own manifestations. Accordingly, different types of diets mean the presence or absence of certain foods. Let's analyze the types and diet.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity

Your diet should include the following foods:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Wheat soup;
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • Steamed meat and poultry;
  • Puddings.

Diet for low acid gastritis

The diet includes the following foods:

  • Fermented dairy products;
  • Free cereals;
  • Obsolete wheat bread;
  • Soft fruits;
  • Cutlet soup.

Diet against erosive gastritis

Adopt the following dietary guidelines:

  • Eat only warm;
  • Eat large amounts of ground and semi-liquid food;
  • It is forbidden to use canned food, fish, fatty meat, yeast-based signboard.

Diet for chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis involves following a diet for the rest of one's life with the following characteristics:

  • Fruits and vegetables are consumed only after heat treatment;
  • Complete rejection of fried, fatty confectionery;
  • Restricting coffee and tea.

Diet for acute gastritis

Recommends strict dietary restrictions and recommendations:

  • We must forget forever about cream, coffee, sweets, carbonated drinks;
  • It is allowed to eat eggs, milk, jelly;
  • It is important to eat lean meat, soups, cereals, liquid cereals.

Diet for atrophic gastritis

The menu should be low in calories and low in acidity. The following products are prohibited:

  • Legumes, mushrooms;
  • Flour and butter;
  • Canned food;
  • whole milk;
  • Salo;
  • Cabbage, cucumbers, radishes.

These products are permanently excluded from the patient's life.

Food recipes

To make your food as varied and delicious as possible, you need to know gastritis recipes that are easy and simple to prepare. Each version of the recipe can saturate the body with useful components, enrich it with vitamins and remove the feeling of hunger.

Pumpkin Pudding

pumpkin pudding against gastritis


  • Peeled pumpkin;
  • Manna;
  • Butter;
  • Salt, sugar;
  • Apples;
  • Milk.

Pumpkin peel and grated. The resulting porridge is mixed with milk and butter (20 g), which is ready to be sent in a container on fire. Add apples on top and sauté together.

At the very end, add the semolina, mix until smooth and cook for up to 10 minutes.

Soup puree


  • Cauliflower;
  • nutmeg;
  • Chicken broth;
  • Low fat milk;
  • Salt.

The cabbage is divided into inflorescences and sent for stewing. Then grind it in a blender into a thick porridge, add a little milk and broth. Sprinkle with nutmeg and salt on top. It is prepared very quickly.

Diet side effects

The gastritis diet is only aimed at improving well-being, removing the symptoms of gastritis and preventing pain. It has many positive effects and has virtually no shadow side.

But at an early stage, there may be certain side effects, among which we note:

  1. Feeling of hunger.
  2. General weakness.
  3. performance loss.
  4. Sleep disorders.
  5. Changes in hormonal levels.
  6. Appearance of nausea.
  7. Headache.

These side effects are common in the early days of the diet. It is not necessary to assume that these dietary restrictions have a negative effect on the body and do not help to fight the problem of gastritis. You need to remember the main rule - in order for side effects to pass quickly or not at all, the gastritis menu should be prepared only by a specialist.

There are certain individual characteristics of a person in which the body does not perceive certain products, resulting in side effects. Only a doctor prescribes all these manifestations and prescribes an individual diet for effective treatment.

Opt out of the diet

Some forms of gastritis involve a lifelong diet. If gastritis only develops, then only a few weeks of adequate nutrition is enough to restore all functions. In this case, the exit must be gradual and even. It is forbidden to immediately include harmful products in the form of fried and smoked food, alcohol and spices. They should be gradually added to food if psychological dependence and need arise.